Activities for Educational Centres 2012-2013

October 1st, 2012 – June 28th, 2013

Programme of activities

Programme of activities aimed at participation in the key themes of art and contemporary technological culture linked to industrial creation, and which encourages artistic practice and the theoretical dissemination of art and creation among young people, in educational centres and among teaching professionals.

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial would like to announce our educational offer for the next academic year, which will be carried out through a programme of activities oriented towards participation in the key themes of contemporary art and technological culture linked to industrial creation, and encouraging artistic practice and the theoretical dissemination of art and creation among young people, in educational centres and among teaching professionals.

The activities aimed at school groups for the 2012-2013 academic year will be organised by quarterly thematic blocks and will develop some specific aspects of the centre’s own lines of work, such as:

Audiovisual culture (October 2012 – March 2013)
Design / FabLAB (April 2013 – June 2013)

The activities will take the form of workshop-visits adapted to the different educational levels, from primary to secondary school, and will be carried out by prior reservation, by contacting the centre’s mediation team.

At the same time, annual activities will be developed for children’s education levels, in relation to performance and video, and for secondary and baccalaureate levels, in relation to literary creation, through the Laboratorio de la palabra (Laboratory of the Word).

Information and registration: / 98 533 1907 / 98 513 3431

Activity subsidised by the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of the Principality of Asturias.