Activities for educational centers 2016-17

19th september 2016 – 23th june 2017

The need to invent, to create is something that has to do with human development. Creativity is closely linked to emotions, and therefore, its development favors personal growth and the expansion of talent. Children and young people use technology daily, ignoring its uses and compositions and lacking critical thinking about the consumption and use of this technology. One of our motivations is to enhance reflective, analytical and critical thinking. We think that technological literacy is necessary that turns children and young people into creators with the use of technology, instead of being passive users and mere consumers.

The educational offer for schoolchildren at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial consists of a program of activities aimed at their participation in the key themes of art and contemporary technological culture linked to industrial creation, promoting artistic practice and the theoretical dissemination of art. and creation.

The Educational Center can choose between taking a guided tour of our exhibitionThe Machine Monstersor also combine it with carrying out one of our workshops adapted to different educational levels.

The Machine Monstersproposes a contemporary look at Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, inviting us to rethink the novelist’s warning about the involuntary and dramatic effects that technologies and the imagination of scientists have on the world, and to do the same with the human imagination and the arts. Since its writing in 1816, two hundred years ago, and its subsequent anonymous publication in 1818 in London, Shelley’s classic science fiction and gothic horror novel has inspired millions of people, offering us today a lens through which to observe the current artistic and scientific practices and how these shape society’s relationship with technology.

The workshops are organized by thematic blocks and develop some specific aspects of the Art Center’s own lines of work divided into two fundamental areas. Among the workshops to be taught are the following:

audiovisual culture(September 2016 – June 2017)

Performance workshop for early childhood education

Shadow theater workshop for primary education

Stop-motion workshop for secondary education

Digital comic workshop for secondary education

Art, science and technology(September 2016 – June 2017)

Robot runner workshop for primary education

Conductive ink workshop for 3rd cycle primary education

The activities are free and consist of a guided tour of the exhibitions and the possibility of combining them with a practical workshop that adapts to different educational levels, from early childhood education to high school, and are made upon reservation, by contacting the area of art center mediation. The duration of the activity is approximately one and a half/two hours.

Information and 985 331 907 – 985 185 577
