About the Music Industry

17th to 18th may 2013

This coming Friday  17 and Saturday 18 May, La Nave at LABoral will host the closing concerts of Gijón Sound, a festival organised by Gijón Turismo [Gijón Tourism] which has been taking place since April at different venues around the city with the aim of contributing to revitalising Gijon’s musical scene. Taking as a model the “cantera artística asturiana” [the Asturian artistic talent reserve] which in the 80s and 90s became a reference point for the Spanish music scene with the movement known as Xixón Sound, 20 artists will come together on the same stage at the Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijón to trace a path through musical creation from those decades to today.

The Centre of Art and Industrial Creation in Gijón, a collaborator in the festival, has organised debates sessions for May 17 and 18 and June 1 which will be open to the public and address highly topical issues for music and audiovisual creators, such as the music industry,  self-publishing and rights management.

Roberto Nicieza. The music industry
The talk will focus on the characteristics of music management and the copyright problem area. The objective is to build something akin to a roadmap with the steps to follow to publish a recording work with full control of all the copyright and producer rights.
Roberto Nicieza is the founding member of Australian Blonde and founding partner of the independent label, Astro Discos. He participated in the executive production of more than 50 albums, most notably Momento by Australian Blonde & Steve Wynn; Radio by La Habitación Roja; Todo es el momento by Niños Mutantes; and 26 canciones ilegales by Ilegales, among others.

Venue: Chill-Out at LABoral Centro de Arte
Time: 11.30 am.
No registration required

Self-publishing and rights management
Round table with Pablo G. Díaz, Roberto Herreros and Sabino Méndez and Nacho Vegas
This debate will be explore the different existing options for a self-publisher and the basic keys to releasing an album and playing live without going bankrupt in the process.
The crisis and the times of change prevailing in the music marketplace led to many musicians becoming their own producers. Self-publishing is nowadays another option, along with publishing in different formats, or also under different legal umbrella groups or licenses such as Creative Commons or Copyleft, which allow for alternative content distribution. A world which defines itself with each new step, marked by its lack of legal certainties as well as its ambiguity and the need for political awareness.
Time: From 11:30 to 13:30
Venue: Chill-Out at LABoral Centro de Arte
No registration required

The Participants
Pablo García Díaz
. He is a musician and founder, in 2009, of Pauken Grabaciones y Conspiraciones, a collective record label which is committed to self-management both in terms of publishing and live music. As Pablo Und Destruktion, he has published to date an album, Animal con parachoques (2012), which has been presented across Europe over the course of a year. Currently, he is preparing a new record while studying for a doctorate at the University of Carlos III in Madrid.

Roberto Herreros. Journalist and musician. He has contributed to RockdeluxAjoblanco, Rolling StoneEl Confidencial and Diagonal, among other media. He is a founding member of the collective network for cultural intervention Ladinamo and of Fundación Robo, which is a platform aimed at stimulating political debate in popular music, sharing its songs with open licenses. He is also the content coordinator and scriptwriter for the television programme ‘Mapa sonoro’. Currently, he is writing a book on Kortatu for the publishing house Lengua de Trapo and heads the blog Cultura Práctica (eldiario.es) alongside Daniel Granados.

Sabino Méndez. He took his first steps as an author with the first records by Loquillo y los Trogloditas in the beginning of the 80s. Songs such as El ritmo del garajeCadillac solitario and Rock and Roll Star are Spanish pop classics that were born out of his creative genius. His leaving the group was followed by a phase which was more centred on literature, resulting in the autobiography novel Corre Rocker. He has returned to music composition with Loquillo, La nave de los locos (Warner 2012), and this very year he is a member of the SGAE refoundation [Society of Authors and Publishers in Spain]. Although he is no longer part of the directorate of the management body, his experience as an author and inside knowledge of both the above body and business place him as one of the most respected voices to speak about copyright and music publishing in Spain.

Nacho Vegas. He has been releasing records under his name since 2001, at first with Madrid’s independent record label Limbo Starr and after on the self-publishing platform Marxophone, with which he has launched his two most recent works, La zona sucia (2011) and Cómo hacer crac (2012). He is a member of the Fundación Robo, a collaborative platform linking popular music and political commitment.