LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial is a public cultural entity managed by Fundación La Laboral. Centro de Arte, Creación Industrial y Promoción Cultural and declared of general interest. The purpose of the Foundation is determined in Article 6.1 of its Statutes and is “the promotion and dissemination of art and industrial creation through the management of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial”.
For more information about LABoral’s governing bodies, management and financing, see the Statutes of the Fundación La Laboral. Centro de Arte, Creación Industrial y Promoción Cultural.
Organizational Framework
LABoral Centro de Arte is an entity with its own legal personality whose supreme governing body is the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. Its members include representatives of the Government of the Principality of Asturias, the Gijón City Council and the Gijón Port Authority.
Governing, management and advisory bodies
The Board of Trustees
Directs and supervises the different areas and lines of action of LABoral Centro de Arte; promotes the implementation of the development program; exercises control and supervision of the remaining bodies of the Board; approves the general programming guidelines, regulations and ordinances, the annual budget and its modifications; approves the forms of management of the services, the staff and the list of jobs, among other functions.
The Executive Committee
Constituted within the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee is made up of the President, the First Vice President and the Secretary of the Board. Its function is to supervise and control the actions of the President and the Managing Director; to decide on the establishment, management, regulation and suppression of the Foundation’s activities; to formulate the Foundation’s annual accounts and to prepare and propose the Foundation’s Action Plan for subsequent approval by the Board of Trustees.
The Director
Executes the agreements and decrees of the governing bodies of the Board of Trustees; organizes and supervises the services; prepares the cultural and managerial programs, assumes the official representation of the Center; exercises direct command in personnel matters; approves the projects of works and services; economically manages the Center, among other functions.
The Scientific Commission
The Scientific Commission, made up of creators and scholars, critics and professors, experts in technology and professionals in art and industrial creation of national and international renown, is an advisory body to the management. It consists of members who are experts in different areas of specialization in order to advise on the fulfillment of the Foundation’s goals related to cultural promotion, heritage protection and the dissemination of these events.
Members of LABoral’s Board of Trustees
Ms. Vanessa Gutiérrez González, representing the Government of the Principality of Asturias.
First Vice President:
Mr. Pablo León Gasalla, representing the Government of the Principality of Asturias.
Members of the Government of Asturias
Mr. Antón García Fernández
Mr. Ivan Aitor Lucas del Amo
Member of the City Council of Gijón
Ms. Montserrat López Moro
Member of the Port Authority of Gijón
Mr. Laureano Lourido Artime
Mr. Pablo de Soto Suárez
Members of the Executive Committee
Ms. Vanessa Gutiérrez González
First Vice President:
Mr. Pablo León Gasalla
Mr. Pablo de Soto Suárez
Members of the Scientific Committee
Mrs. Consuelo Vallina
Mr. Iván Fernández Lobo
Mr. Jorge Fernández León
Mr. Julio Ruiz
Mrs. Laura Baigorri
Mrs. María Castellanos
Mrs. María Ptqk
Mr. Pau Waelder
Mr. Ramón Rubio
Mrs. Roberta Bosco