A monster came out of the machine…

14th to 15th november 2015

“It was a morning in November when something that seemed to be a harmless piece of felt came out of the machine as the pieces of what would become a terrible monster…”

This could be the beginning of the monster that came out of the machine, a workshop where little Frankensteins will design monsters, puppets that will be not only built but also given life by means of electronic circuits attached to fabrics with conductive thread. The pattern will be cut on the felt with a laser cutter and then an electronic circuit will be added and connected via conductive thread.

Addressed to: Children from 10 years of age (under 10 must be accompanied)
Dates: Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 of November
Time: From 9.30 a.m. to half-past noon
Venue: Exhibitions gallery and fabLAB Asturias, LABoral
Participants: 8
Registration: Activity free-of-charge, registration required
Conducted by: Nuria Robles Miguélez, Fab Lab Manager, Fab Lab León (SP). An Industrial engineer specialising in machine building for the Universidad de Oviedo and passionate about graphic arts and the convergence handcraft-digital.

