2nd edition auLAB Project – Schools for the 21st century

1st october 2018 – 28th june 2019

For the second consecutive year, the auLAB project: Schools for the 21st century, carried out thanks to the support of the ALCOA Foundation and in close collaboration with the Department of Education of the Government of the Principality of Asturias, is aimed at the prototyping of a multimedia laboratory and its implementation in three schools in the geographical area of ​​Avilés: Colegio San Fernando, Colegio Santo Ángel and IES Ramón Menéndez Pidal. With this we continue to address the need to respond to the challenge of the current educational system, which must prepare our young people for something still unknown. “According to data collected by the Observatory for Employment in the Digital Age, eight out of every 10 young people between 20 and 30 years old will find employment related to the digital field in jobs that do not yet exist. The 10 most requested professions will be: smart factory engineer, chief digital officer, digital innovation expert, data scientist, big data expert, smart city expert architect, usability expert, digital content director, digital risk expert and manager and digital marketing director.” This same idea is also influenced by Joaquin Nieto, Director of the Office for Spain of the International Labor Organization (ILO), it is said that the boys and girls who are now in school, tomorrow will work in jobs that they have not yet done. exist.

This project aims to contribute to the methodological innovation of the centers, focusing on evolution, change and improvement in order to increase school and work success. Its purpose is to contribute to the advancement of the student learning process and the teaching process of teachers through the incorporation into the processes of new tools available to all teachers and students of the Center, and therefore, at the service of adjusted educational experiences. at different learning rates. Specifically, this project requires the delivery of workshops to teachers and students related to innovative technologies throughout the entire school year, thus promoting innovation in educational methodology. In this way, teachers will have more tools in their daily lives and students will be more motivated to continue their studies. We should not and cannot afford to continue training our young people for professions that will disappear in a few years.

The multimedia laboratory will have research, creation and production tools. It is a laboratory conceived as a creative environment within the teaching center, a learning space based on experimentation and discovery. A space where the transmission of technical skills and knowledge related to technology is possible through audiovisual and sound creation, creative programming, design, digital manufacturing and robotics, offering the methodological keys to understand and apply new modes of exchange of knowledge and creation and production models. A space to promote critical reflection and the creative use of new technologies. This space is conceived as a research center on the creative applications of technology, but it must also be an important educational resource and a node capable of motivating the teaching community, favoring and contributing to the improvement of teaching and learning processes. In it, devices can be designed, making them available to the school community in line with the spirit of open source processes. Something that will also be a constant in the training offered with this project.

As an educational resource, it must also be able to connect teachers, students and families in the laboratory processes, through school and extracurricular activity programs.

For this, LABoral, the Department of Education and Culture of the Principality of Asturias and the ALCOA Foundation have the collaboration of three artists, María Castellanos, Alberto Valverde and Daniel Romero, who will lead the implementation of the project in the Teaching Centers. Teachers, students and families will also participate directly in the project, in order to facilitate the empowerment of all of them in the use of tools and their creative and critical application in the learning process of subjects and disciplines.

Activity subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias

With the financing of:
