2nd Call for Residencies LABoral_Impulsa

1st august – 31th october 2018

The LABoral IMPULSA Residency supports proposals related to new connections between cultural and creative industries, art and ICTs, in order to promote emerging creative, labor and business development paths

Project “Creative and Cultural Industries on the Knowledge Mile”


Could art and culture offer a conceptual framework and a functional dynamic that precipitates new areas of innovation and production, work and business? The LABoral IMPULSA residency call is committed to this.

LABoral IMPULSA Residency aims to explore what the potential connections could be today that open avenues of creative, labor and business development for new generations.

For some years now, we have been seeing, on the one hand, an increase in prestigious international centers that are collaborating with artists from all fields of creation, through different residency programs. These include entities such as CERN, the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and NASA. In fact, LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation has been part of the European Digital Art and Science Network (EDASN), in which some of these scientific centers participate.

In recent times, initiatives such as the New Inc residency program, located at the New Museum in New York, also offer entrepreneurial environments for professional and business development, in order to generate new connections and support innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship through art, design and technology.

The LABoral IMPULSA residency is one more example that interdisciplinary artistic practices offer a very favorable environment for producing and communicating knowledge, not only related to the field of science, but also when it comes to providing a certain expertise, a methodology to promote new dynamics of thinking and creating in an innovative way.


This program is based on the double involvement of the Gijón City Council: on the one hand, in the promotion and support of cultural and creative industries, and, on the other, the connection between the different agents of the Knowledge Mile to carry out projects. that generate new companies and, therefore, wealth in the municipality.

IMPULSA constitutes one of the main instruments of the Gijón City Council to support the development and growth of the business fabric of the municipality. To this end, it has been developing different measures within the framework of economic promotion, aimed at promoting the development of Gijón and promoting the local economy and innovation, as a strategy to face the future. The promotion of the cultural and creative industry constitutes one of the measures to support business promotion in the municipality of Gijón that facilitates the creation of new business projects and their consolidation, thus being driving elements for the development of a solid, updated business fabric. to the needs of the 21st century and adapted to the local environment.

This is reflected both in the “Agreement for the growth and diversification of economic activity, the promotion of talent and the improvement of employability in a framework of social cohesion” (Gijón Crece 2016-2019) in its second axis “Enabling Sectors ” as in the Gijón 2026 Strategic Plan (PEG 2026) where the cultural and creative industry sector is contemplated within the strategic actions and projects, as well as in the Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy (DUSI) where this is included. sector as key to innovative economic activity that provides value to citizens.

IMPULSA, in its work to generate knowledge, innovation and business fabric, has the need to have reference centers in the city, specialists in the subject matter to be developed, in this case support for entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises in the cultural and creative sector, in addition to promote the connection between the different agents located on the Knowledge Mile. For this reason, IMPULSA counts on LABoral to carry out this program, since this non-profit entity has among its objectives to promote dialogue between art, science, technology and society through transversal and integrated programming, aimed at all audiences and whose ultimate goal is to generate and share knowledge. LABoral is specialized in producing, disseminating and promoting access to cultural forms born from the creative use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) that also knows the Asturian territory and its economic and social context.


The LABoral IMPULSA Residency wants to promote the development of creative processes expanded to the most diverse areas of production and services. LABoral IMPULSA Residency will offer connection with LABoral’s European networks, its digital, audiovisual and sound design and creation laboratories, as well as its exhibition platforms and residency programs not only aimed at young artists, scientists or engineers, but also social entrepreneurs and businesses with which to pave the way towards a future based on the parameters of greater collaboration and sustainability.

To achieve this, LABoral IMPULSA Residence will connect art and culture with business, employment, development and social and environmental responsibility, through this proposal for residences.

Participants will not pay any amount for the occupation of the workspace and will have advantageous rates for the use of equipment and laboratories.

LABoral IMPULSA Residency will not provide financing to resident projects, but will offer work space and infrastructure, accompaniment, guidance and support in the search for partners, subsidies and aid, as well as relevant connections in our local, national and international network of contacts and collaborations.

The residences offered will have a duration that will fluctuate between 9 and 12 months, between November 2018 and November 2019.


LABoral IMPULSA Residency is aimed at innovative initiatives related to creative and cultural industries of the digital era, which propose all types of new format projects, including those related to environmental, health or food technologies and their impact or influence on culture and in society. Proposals of:

– Independent professionals: artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, writers, activists, cultural managers, researchers, scientists, etc.

– Creative groups or teams that work in design (graphic, mobile, web, product), architecture, fashion, animation, interaction (interactive installations, VR, AI, games, experiential performances, etc.)

– Start-Ups: Recently created non-profit entities, social enterprises or organizations with commercial purposes, preferably of an interdisciplinary nature, as well as social- and / or environmental- and culturally committed. Companies that want to apply for residency cannot exceed 5 years from their incorporation.

Note: This residency is not compatible with completing another residency scholarship on coincident dates in time.

We are looking…

– Creative professionals and initiatives with a clearly defined project, product or business idea that demonstrates new ways of thinking and working.

– Regional, national or international entrepreneurs who wish to develop their career and business activity from the municipality of Gijón can register.

– Individual professionals and groups of three/four people.

– A maximum of 5 residencies will be granted in this second call.


LABoral offers a shared work space (media library) – details in Annex 1 – and spaces for meetings, rehearsals/tests and/or presentations, LABoral.

  • LABoral makes digital, audiovisual and sound design and manufacturing laboratories available to the program, with initial training in the use of these technologies and a set of hours for use on specific days and times per week), in addition to rates. preferential in those cases in which the use exceeds the pool of hours offered throughout the residence.
  • LABoral will act as a local, national and international platform for meeting and collaboration between artists, scientists and technicians. It offers a stimulating environment for meetings, exhibitions, seminars and conferences. Through other research and production residency programs LABoral will promote visibility in the European networks of art, science and technology centers with which it usually collaborates.
  • LABoral will offer continuous training related to creative methodologies and processes, linked to new transdisciplinary practices that arise from the dialogue between art, science, technology and society.
  • LABoral also proposes periodic coordination meetings in which the work carried out by residents can be made known, enabling collaborations in all areas. LABoral will offer support in the dissemination of its projects and will promote international connections while organizing discussion forums and meetings with prestigious personalities in areas of common interest. At the end of the residency period, LABoral will propose the organization of an exhibition in which the results and/or processes of the resident projects are disseminated.
  • IMPULSA offers residents the opportunity to participate in the programs to support entrepreneurship and business consolidation that said entity develops in its daily activity (with the criteria established by IMPULSA for this purpose in the different programs).


– Concise and realistic proposal with a clear and compelling vision

– Innovative approach.

– Originality of the proposal.

– Opportunity of the proposal.

– Experimental, collaborative and social impact value.

– Creative use of technology.

– Project viability.

– Previous career will be valued.

– Interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity.

– Fits with the framework and objectives of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and the resources made available.

Note: The applicant must prove and motivate the need to have a work space at the Art Center.

The jury will be made up of a total of seven members, two representatives from each promoting entity, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and IMPULSA, as well as three independent professionals of recognized prestige in the field of creative and cultural industries.

The jury’s verdict is final.


August 1: Opening of the application submission period

31 October: End of application submission period

November: Jury meeting.

November: Publication of accepted requests

November: Interviews

November: Notification of the acceptance resolution

December: Start date of LABoral IMPULSA residencies

Participation in the call implies acceptance of these rules.

For any additional information or questions about the call, contact: rrpp@laboralcentrodearte.org

Download the complete bases[+]

Send your projects through the following link[+]

Note: This platform allows you to attach text and audiovisual files and also allows prior online review by the jury members

The application and the rest of the required documents will only be used for the selection of candidates in the LABoral Impulsa program and will not be shared with third parties or returned to the candidate when the process is completed.

The person responsible for processing your data is FUNDACION LA LABORAL CENTRO DE ARTE Y CREACIÓN INDUSTRIAL. Your data will be processed for the purpose of candidate selection. The legitimacy for the use of your data is based on the execution of a contract or provision of services. No data will be transferred to third parties, except under legal obligation. The data will be destroyed once you communicate your withdrawal and/or the legal retention periods have ended. No international data transfers or profiling will be carried out. Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability or limitation of processing, by contacting FUNDACION LA LABORAL CENTRO DE ARTE Y CREACION INDUSTRIAL at the following address: LOS PRADOS, 121 33203, GIJON. Likewise, you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you consider that your rights have been violated.

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