Total Respect Collective


A creative collective founded in Valencia in 2000.

Respeto Total understands the city, its inhabitants and the networks they weave as a great means of communication: the urban context as a great device for creating identity and community. Its purpose is to “parasitise” the cultural products made by the new creators of narratives and ways of life, sampling and remixing them with humour, de-dramatising them, redefining them and returning them to the media environment from which they emerged, now converted into RT products. His means of expression and communication have been stencil, fashion, parties and online creation. His online projects “Anthraxtype letters” and the ONE SECOND VIDEO FESTIVAL stand out.

The online video project ONE SECOND VIDEO FESTIVAL (, shown at the Digital Media Festival (3rd edition, VALENCIA, 2008) and Interlude:Art &Life 366 (Shanghai, 2008), PEAM (2nd edition, Pescara, Italy, 2006) and OFFF (1st edition, Valencia, 2004).

Jota Izquierdo

Multidisciplinary artist, I have participated in numerous Art, Image and Sound festivals (Digital Media, Valencia 2008, PEAM Pescara 2005 and 2006, Móvil:tiempo diferido-México D.F., 2004, etc), the multimedia works “Diamond Bullet” and “The Black Box” produced by Hangar-Conaculta in Mexico D.F. (2004), “24 Frames” produced by the EACC (2003) and shown in several festivals such as the Video Festival of Victoria-Gasteiz (Montehermoso, 2003) and the videoaction “Gula War Movie” (2001).

Lele Luchetti

Informático, comisario y coordinador digital especializado en Ha comisariado junto a Nilo Casares el espacio destinado a en el festival OBSERVATORI del año 2000 al 2002, realizando proyectos expositivos como Pabellón DD, Encantados de molestar, Todo a 100k o Lléname el site. Comisario y coordinador técnico junto a Nilo Casares del PEAM, Pescara Electronic Artists Meeting, del 2003 al 2007. Ha participado en la coordinación técnica de festivales, talleres, exposiciones y conferencias como.: BIOS 4. Arte biotecnológico y ambiental en el siglo XXI , Sevilla, 2007. Pabellón DD versión final, Centro de Arte Jun Ismael, Fuerteventura. Ciberart Bilbao, 2004. Jamming Culture, Fuerteventura, 2004; Unzipping Codes, Art Center Nabi, Korea, 2004; Radio: City net Jam, Valencia, 2004. Web/ (o el contra la, Las dos Culturas: el Net.Art , Valencia 2002.