This is not a Souvenir

Alejandro Mazuelas Kamiruaga

21 April 2008

Alejandro Mazuelas. First Prize in the ESAPA / DesignLAB Industrial Design Contest

How can we connect the local with the global? How can we adopt a contemporary creative language? And transmit all this from a local Asturian perspective… This region is full of traditions and contradictions, being highly industrial yet also located in stunning natural landscape. Pure chaos… but I love it! Anyhow, I want to represent the guerrilla attitude of the Asturian people, workers protests… We are a ballsy region, just think of all the battles we fight …. It’s absolutely incredible! Pitched battles in the cities, banners, megaphones… are part and parcel 
of the image of Asturias. Metal sheets are another product of Asturias … Many products are made of metal sheets, because it is a durable, strong and virtually unbreakable material… which can be reused and recycled… 
This project transforms these elements into representative objects of this region, a communication tool in the urban space.