
The Pink Chimera

20 December 2011 – 04 January 2012

Quimera Rosa is a nomadic laboratory created in 2008 in Barcelona, which researches and experiments with the body, technoscience and identities. Aware of transfeminist and post-identitarian discourses, its members seek to experiment with hybrid and flexible identities capable of blurring the boundaries of the binomials of Western thought of our time. They do most of their work collaboratively, always free of proprietary codes.


Project in residence

sEXOESQUELETO electrónico/estético

We can consider the Sex-Gender system as a bio-political skeleton around which body and identity are structured. A skeleton/interface that produces subjectivity.

We want to investigate the design and conception of an electronic/aesthetic sEXOSKELETO. The aim is to create a prosthetic body structure that allows us to deconstruct and replace the sex-gender skeleton with a cyborg and post-gender exoskeleton.

This research has three main aims:

– A process of research and experimentation to find out what are the necessary requirements for this exoskeleton to be able to hack and supplant the characteristics of the sex-gender skeleton. To document this process audio-visually.

– Produce an artistic installation that will allow the work done at the end of the residency to be presented. The installation will present both the work process and its result. The format will be that of an audio-visual installation combined with the exhibition of the sex-skeleton. The public will be invited to interact with it in order to experience how this structure can provoke changes in subjectivity.

– To make one or two sexeskeletons in order to be able to use them later during performances and to be able to develop them further.

All work will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.
