The Jungle

Eelko Moorer

16 January 2007


The contemporary home has become a passive, consumptive and transient non-place filled with electronics. Moorer wanted to design a living environment that was more about the emotive and physical, and that would explore the values of discomfort, danger and play. In the form of designs that can be bought in toy-like sets, the jungle proposes a new interior space, literally and metaphorically. The home becomes a retreat from the outside world, a place to escape inward where the self can be reclaimed via the characteristics of interactive and performative play such as freedom, power and self-expression. Through added-value, environmental storytelling is infused into the design and so gives meaning and direction to the user’s experience. This pre-existing story provides structure to the experience and lets the user’s mind wander and imagine themselves as Tarzan, Jane, Liane The Jungle Goddess, King Kong, Kurtz…