Rosie O’Reilly

Visual artist, maker and designer

(Dublin, Ireland,1978)

Rosie O’Reilly is visual artist, maker and designer working in the field of textile and instillation art. She holds a BA in Philosophy and sociology from Trinity College Dublin and a BD in Fashion Design from the University of Glamorgan.  Specific theoretical areas of research have been in moral philosophy, systems theory and sustainability.

Since 2003 she has participated in various solo and group shows most recently – NLA III at Museum of Contemporary Art Dublin 2013, The Fringe theatre festival Dublin 2013, Science Gallery Dublin (2013, 2014). Her work is also concerned with space specific and action based pieces, which have occurred outside the gallery space; Street art and temporary spaces. She is concerned also with the DIY participatory work and has curated spaces at Dublin Contemporary (2011), Castle Palooza and Electric Picnic (2009 – 2011) all bringing art and design together on live performance pieces.

O’Reilly is designer and creative director of We are Islanders Art & Fashion House and director of Re-dress Ireland’s ethical fashion initiative overseeing the Clean clothes campaign Ireland and Better Fashion Week Dublin. Collections Since 2008 and 2014 she has curated exhibitions in the area of art design and social and environmental action, educational conferences and programmes in design, fashion and activism.