
Román Torre and Ángeles Angulo

4 July 2016 – 18 September 2016

Román Torre Sánchez (Asturias, 1978), has worked conceptualizing, realizing and collaborating in all kinds of visual and interactive productions of all sizes, from small devices to artistic installations or medium-format visual scenographies, through large visual productions on stage, such as dance shows or operas. He has presented his work within the national territory such as LABoral art center in Gijón (Lifefloor 2008-2012), Reina Sofía and Matadero in Madrid (Avatar* 2010) or Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona (RESET 2016). Also internationally he has shown his works and collaborations with other artists in different institutions, museums or theaters in countries such as Egypt, Cairo (Lifefloor 2008), Portugal, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Slovenia, France and UK (Avatar* 2009 –2013), Japan in Tokyo (Oriestada/La Fura dels Baus 2012), Germany, Munich, Colonia (Babylon/La Fura dels Baus – 2012), etc. He is currently immersed in the development of THERO (Research Residency NEXT THINGS, LABoral art center and Telefónica 2016) and Liquid Series II within the call Made EU 2016 (IAAC, Barcelona).


Ángeles Angulo, after her dance studies at the Corservatorio de Danza y Música de Murcia, in 1993 she settled in Barcelona and worked with several companies such as Danat Danza, Cía Mudances-Àngels Margarit, La Fura dels Baus, etc. In 1996, after receiving several awards and recognitions, she created, together with other artists from Murcia, the group Erre que Erre Danza, in which she was the choreographer/performer. With Erre que Erre participates in numerous stage projects, but also other video dance, video art, etc..

In 2009 she participates in the scenic project Avatar* (with the artist Román Torre) and after several national and international tours with this piece, she begins to have a special interest in hybrid projects between visual arts, body and technology. She is currently working in the management of several projects linked to the cultural association Espai Erre, whose center with the same name dynamizes/organizes different platforms and festivals related to the body and technology, such as the 360º video dance platform Muvers or recently the Fenomens festival.





Project in residence


Román Torre and Ángeles Angulo create THERO, presented as a heavy sculpture made of noble materials inside which there is a device that controls the degree of privacy of the user on the Internet through the direct manipulation of the sculpture itself. THERO is able to encrypt, discriminate and avoid distractions or finally cut all digital contact with the outside.

The piece will consist of three clearly differentiated parts. On the one hand, the hardware that encrypts all data traffic to the outside of THERO. On the other hand, the armor or housing that collects this device and that will be activated by physically turning the object with our hand. And finally the application, which will be installed on each device to help THERO in the configuration.

In the words of the authors “THERO tries to elevate our digital privacy to a precious and sacred object. The treatment given to the object is artistic, precious and even in some ways divine, an object of worship as could be a unique piece or talisman, which has a value above the material, the sacred value of freedom, anonymity and the right to secure communication”.

The residency at LABoral will be completed with a three-month residency at Telefónica I+D’s facilities in Barcelona.
