
Rodrigo García

5 March 2014 – 20 March 2014

Rodrigo García is a theater director, playwright and set designer. Founder of the theater company La Carnicería Teatro, he resides in Spain since 1986, where he has developed most of his theater career. He has collaborated with, among other institutions and festivals, National Drama Centre (Spain), the Festival d’Avignon or the Venice Biennale. In 2009 he was awarded the Premio Europa Nueva Realidad Teatral. Currently he is the director of the National Drama Centre of Montpellier-Languedoc-Rousillon.

Project in residence

Estudio incompleto acerca de mi propia claustrofobia que empezó de repente una noche a mis 41 años en una furgoneta en la ciudad de Seúl

The Spanish-Argentinean dramaturge and stage director Rodrigo García will develop in March, during his residency at LABoral, this sound installation Estudio incompleto acerca de mi propia claustrofobia que empezó de repente una noche a mis 41 años en una furgoneta en la ciudad de Seúl that will be shown to the public from March 21. This concept, based on the use of motorbike helmets where the various audio pieces will be inserted, according to the author, “is a revenge or an invented therapy” where he amuses himself at the expense of his own claustrophobia “when I suffer it, it is no fun at all”.

His residency is aimed at researching the sound possibilities of the devices that will be subsequently used in the exhibition, trying to find solutions for sound spacialisation, as well as its possibilities as an installation.
