
Rian Treanor

28 July 2014 – 07 September 2014

Rian Treanor is an artist and producer based in the north of England. Inspired by the fear of a crap planet, he often works with accidents, creating sensitively brash artworks he calls Incidents. Often using sound, image and language, he creates situations that are a strange balance between being totally alien yet brutally human He co-founded the ENJOY Art Space (2010), an artist led studio and event space in Leeds, UK. For the past four years he has programmed and curated a series of live art, noise and experimental events, working with emerging, as well as more established artists, from Osaka, Barcelona, Berlin, Leeds and Rotherham. He is currently focusing on freelance, solo work and working on a variety of projects including; his fragmented life drawings, fabric / textile design, generative pattern design and live computer music performances.


Project in residence

These Things You See in Your Eyes are Common When the Brain is Damaged

During his residence Rian Treanor develop a sound installation in the Sound LAB

These Things You See in Your Eyes are Common When the Brain is Damaged is a series of new works to be developed at LABoral, 2014. Using digital and analogue mutations to the human figure, Treanor will idiosyncratically arrange versions of human body-parts, creating augmented fabric collages or tapestries. The dissected, mutated and recombined life drawings present a peculiar perspective of the human form. Materializing into detailed textural fabric works, composing layers of transparencies, repetitions and accidents. These transformations will develop through his time spent experimenting within the facilities at LABoral, finding new ways of deforming the figure, an extension of his previous works. Where Treanor is concerned with the notion that the self is non-stable and subject to continual change, which he explores in a variety of fragmented evolving multiple-media works.
