Raquel Sakristán


Artist specialized in collective creation processes. She uses artistic language to explore ways of communication that expand neurotypical frames of reference.

She has developed projects with people with Functional Diversity and Mental Health Institutions in the psychiatric unit of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, for the European Social Fund (Expanding Realities Project) in collaboration with CIT Crawford College Art and Design University of Cork, Art in Motion (Bristol), Gasp Artist Studio Cork and Asociación Debajo del Sombrero (Madrid), in Finland she has worked with Oulu Social Services, Kulttuurikauppila Art Centre, Art II Biennial, Myötätuuli Mental Rehabilitation Centre and LÄDHE Project.
He has also created projects for Zenzone Media Arts Lab (Beijing), La Caixa (Art For Change Project), Alvaro Entrecanales Foundation, the Community of Madrid, the Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid (UCM), Factoría Cultural Avilés, LABoral Centro de Are y Creación Industrial de Gijón, Fundació Badalona Oberta, Boca Nord and Casa Groga Cultural Centers (Barcelona), among others.

Artist specialized in collective creation processes. She uses artistic language to explore ways of communication that expand neurotypical frames of reference.
She has developed projects with people with Functional Diversity and Mental Health Institutions in the psychiatric unit of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, for the European Social Fund (Expanding Realities Project) in collaboration with CIT Crawford College Art and Design University of Cork, Art in Motion (Bristol), Gasp Artist Studio Cork and Asociación Debajo del Sombrero (Madrid), in Finland she has worked with Oulu Social Services, Kulttuurikauppila Art Centre, Art II Biennial, Myötätuuli Mental Rehabilitation Centre and LÄDHE Project.
He has also created projects for Zenzone Media Arts Lab (Beijing), La Caixa (Art For Change Project), Alvaro Entrecanales Foundation, the Community of Madrid, the Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid (UCM), Factoría Cultural Avilés, LABoral Centro de Are y Creación Industrial de Gijón, Fundació Badalona Oberta, Boca Nord and Casa Groga Cultural Centers (Barcelona), among others.

It investigates the creation of scenarios that facilitate the expression and development of the capabilities of each participant.

These are multidisciplinary proposals that blur the boundaries between artistic project and life experiences.  She has worked in public spaces and co-creating with groups at risk of social exclusion, both in urban and rural areas.The final form of each project is a consequence of the process itself, generating organic and unpredictable pieces.

Raquel Sakristán has collaborated with Colectivo BERDE since its beginnings.www.sakristan.com