Random International


The Londond-based collective rAndom International was set up in 2002 by Stuart Wood, Flo Ortkrass and Hannes Koch in order to create unique and experiential design projects. One of rAndoms core themes in the past has been the friction between the digital and analogue domain. Searching at and working from the fringes of innovation in science, art and design, they have developed a series of installations and technologies that re-interpret the ‘cold’ nature of the digital and emphasise the analogue, often hands-on experience of the viewer. In most of their work an interactive, experiential element is key to the individual projects. Resulting from an intense curiosity towards experimental processes they have built a body of diverse installations, commissioned works, products and performance projects. rAndom International are represented by Carpenters Workshop Gallery in London and their work is part of the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York.
