Ramón Rubio

After graduating in Industrial Engineering at University of Oviedo in 2000, he was hired as a researcher in the same university. The following year he became a lecturer in the Construction and Manufacturing Engineering Department. In 2003, he presented his PhD in the CAD and learning innovation field.

Throughout sixteen years of teaching and working as a researcher at the University of Oviedo, he has gathered more than 4,500 teaching hours, 13 JCR papers, 25 research projects, more than 40 conference papers, 3 books, 3 software patents and given more than 40 courses.

He has supervised two PhD theses (additive manufacturing and biomimicry research lines), more than 60 final projects and has participated as a visiting lecturer at UCL (London), Tecnológico de Monterrey and University of Edinburgh. Since September 2015 he is directing the “Creative 3D Printing” postgraduate course and has set up 3 spin-offs: VORTICA (generative design), PIXELSHUB (serious games) y TRIDITIVE (3D printing). Furthermore, he worked as Vice Director of the Polytechnic School in 2010 and has coordinated Erasmus programmes with the University of both Sheffield and Graz. He is the TEDxGijon and TEDxYouth@Gijón organizer and curator and runs the BEEADOER programme (awarded in 2017 by the Royal Academy of Engineering). In 2018 he has set up the new MediaLab at University of Oviedo and is acting now as its chairman. Projects undertaken in the MediaLab (www.medialab-uniovi.es) align with Asturian regional interests (RIS3) which is a new step in technological, social and humanistic training. More than 50 projects have been finished with a general budget of 450 000 €.



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