Political Personal Disaster


Political Personal Disaster is a creative project that integrates low-fidelity technological development with sounds and visuals, from a playful, experimental point of view. Its creator, Miguel Harguindey, considers it a new way of approaching musical and visual creation, using an instrument of his own design and construction, an instrument with the appearance of a harmless parcheesi board, which hides an incredible number of resources for live audio-visual performance.

He presented in Paris the audiovisual project, called Political Personal Disaster, which is surprising for its originality. The 41-year-old draughtsman has made an instrument with the appearance of a harmless parcheesi board, which conceals an incredible number of resources for live audio-visual interpretation.

The game board becomes an orchestra, where the baton is the dice cup that shakes the dice, and the score is decided by chance, generating random compositions that obey the results of the dice, obtaining rhythms and atmospheres that can oscillate without prior warning and without attending to pre-established compositions, from the most absolute chaos to marked rhythmic patterns.

The best way to get an idea of what can result is by viewing the website www.politicalpersonaldisaster.tk.