
Pilot Project

6 October 2015 – 31 December 2015

Proyecto Piloto is a dance company that was born in Gijón in 2007 with the restlessness and need to investigate the language of the body, its life, its movement and everything that surrounds it. It is in an important moment of development since after the realization of several pieces such as: …en construcción… (2008), Alojando Vísceras (2009), La Masa Danza (2009), Espacio Improvisado (2011). “ALICIA en…” is the new proposal that the company directs to children’s audiences, opening a new field of research.

Project in residence

The dance company Proyecto Piloto from Gijón is carrying out an artistic residency linked to the production of a new show in the field of performance with the concern and need to investigate the language of the body, its life, its movement and everything that surrounds it.

Her new work, still unnamed, is presented as a multidisciplinary project in which plastic and visual arts are combined with music and dance as a performative action. The proposal seeks to perform an introspection of the body by eliminating the skin as a superfluous part or barrier of it.

“There is no waste of flesh, no waste of skin, no waste of my/your organs that will eventually die out. For if my skin were to be cut off, there will still be the hope of being sewn up yet and its regrowth will not be lacking. If its body should grow old in the earth, and its heart should die in the dust, it will rot or become a cup like a new plant when it drinks the water.

All the days of my age I will wait until my deliverance comes.

Then you shall call, and I will answer you.”

Book of Job
