Philippe Rahm


Philippe Rahm (CH) studied at the Federal Polytechnic Schools of Lausanne and Zurich, obtaining his architectural degree in 1993.

In 2002, he was chosen to represent Switzerland at the 8th Architecture Biennale in Venice and is one of the 20 architects included in Manifesto di Architettura. He is nominee in 2009 for the Ordos Prize in China and was in 2008 in the top ten ranking of the International Chernikov prize in Moscow. In 2007, he had a personal exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal. He has participated in a number of exhibitions worldwide. He is currently guest professor at the Royal School of Architecture of Copenhagen. He is working on several private and public projects in France, Poland, England, Italy and Germany. He has lectured widely, including at Cooper Union NY, Harvard School of Design, UCLA and Princeton.