Pelayo Bernardo

Industrial designer

Industrial designer. Avilés, 1985.

Like so many of his contemporaries, he grows in a context defined by the boom of computing technologies and the access to the huge amounts of information that is published and share like never before. In addition, the first tools in the field of IT and the global aspect that prevails in the digital environment help Pelayo explore new concepts from alternative points of view to traditional education, in fields like plastic creation, programming or musical composition, among others. In this contexts he acquires new insights that add to his traditional technical training, making him choose a profession that is perfectly in line with his interests and a different vision of the use of technology and information, industrial design.

His basic training is in Product Design, but he is also trained in Design Management and Design Engineering. With his dissertation on the Interaction between Design and Innovation at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieria del Diseño de Valencia en 2013, he receives a high qualification as a design researcher and in addition he takes part in research projects for the Group I3G at the Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería of Gijón. Following this research period he joins the Master Course of Industrial Design as associate professor while at the same time he starts up his own business project in design,, where he develops projects of industrial design, interior design, web, management and launch of new brands.

His previous experience in industrial design is very diverse and generic, ranging from his collaborations with large multinational corporations to product design companies or pure design studios. He as also taken part as presenter in some art seminars organised by the IES Universidad Laboral de Gijón, panel member in round tables like in the Semana del Diseño Industrial organised by the Railway Museum of Gijon or the industrial design conference Design & You, among others. In addition he has co-organised Out Of The Box, a contest of Design Thinking at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial de Gijón in 2014.

After several in and outs into higher education and specialised training, Pelayo continues to combine his work as a teacher with the independent development of innovating and open-minded projects.