Peggy Weil

Artist and designer

(USA, 1953)

Peggy Weil is a digital media artist and interactive media designer. As a member of the original Architecture Machine Group (M.I.T. Media Lab) she worked on pioneering interactive work integrating animation with databases and voice recognition, going on to create titles for The Voyager Company, Broderbund, Electronic Arts, Von Holtzbrinck and Ravensberger Interactive. In 1996 she designed the original Roden Crater website for the Dia Art Foundation and James Turrell. The project MrMind, a bot performing a reverse Turing Test, is accessible on the Web since 1998. Her work in the area of “serious games” includes The Redistricting Game, a game that models congressional redistricting. Current work includes Gone Gitmo, an installation of Guantánamo Prison in Second Life and Walljumpers, a visualization of the world’s separation border fences.