Pau Alsina


Director of the Postgraduate programme in cultural innovation UOC-LABoral

Lecturer at the  School of Arts and Humanities, UOC-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, and Director of Artnodes, space for art, science and technology of the UOC. Is a co-founding member of YASMIN, the art, science and technology network of the Mediterranean countries. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the LABS project in the Leonardo/International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology and coordinator of the Spanish version. He is member of the Scientific Board for the Master of Art, Design and Technology of the UNESCO in Arab countries, of the art, science and technology workgroup of the FECYT (Spanish Science and Technology Foundation) and of the advisory team for the Strategic Cultural Plan of Barcelona by the Cultural Institute of the Town Hall of Barcelona.

He participated as speaker in the United Nations World Summit Conference on Creativity and ICT (Vienna), Read Me Conference and Dorkbot City Camp (Aärhus), Ciberarts International Conference (Bilbao), Ars Electronica Festival (Linz), Sonar Advanced Music and Multimedia Art Festival (Barcelona), Transmediale Festival (Berlin), Art Futura (Barcelona), Copyfight Festival (Barcelona). He has participated in the organisation of different events related to A-C-T in Catalonia. He has published essays and articles on thought, digital art and other art, science and technology interrelationships. His research focuses on putting in motion the ontology of the present based on the creative practices interrelating art, science and technology.