
Pablo Pandiella

20 July 2020 – 31 October 2020

Designer, photographer, creative, Pandiella experiments with creation at different scales in a search for emotion as a function in itself.

After studying Industrial Design at the University of A Coruña, he moved to Berlin where he will work as a design assistant for Atelier Haußmann, as a framer of works of art for Frameworks Berlin and in charge of assembly teams in artistic installations with Toony Navok or malimalimali.

In 2017 he founded materia minima, a transdisciplinary design exercise of an aesthetic, functional, ethical and poetic nature. He is currently in charge of the design, production, photography, artistic and graphic direction of the brand while studying Ephemeral Architecture at the Oviedo Art School.

Project in residence

Poética Estructural

Buildings and cities affect our mood. Neuroscientists and psychologists have found enough evidence to prove this. Specialized cells in the hippocampus region of our brain synchronize with the geometry and layout of the spaces we inhabit.

Irresponsible urban growth (with little attention to the cognitive effects of its architecture) results in empty and inhospitable spaces that effectively deteriorate urban coexistence, where before there were rich and lively scenarios whose visual complexity acted as a mental balm.

In this context it is necessary to reflect on the urban environment and the city. Activate citizens’ reflection on spaces through ephemeral architectural interventions of a sculptural nature. A poetic approach with great spatial impact. Effective and effective.

Through a series of temporary installations in places of urban interest in the city that rehumanize the space and give it vitality and personality.

Project selected in the Call for artistic residencies 2020.
