Pablo Ibáñez Ferrera

Architect and editor

Architect and editor. Together with Antonio Giráldez, he is co-founder of Bartlebooth, a research and publishing platform around critical spatial practice. They have recently been residents at Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam) and the Cerezales Antonino y Cinia Foundation (Cerezales del Condado, León), where they research the territorial implications of green capitalism and new extractivisms. His work has been awarded in the Iberoamerican Architecture Biennial BIAU (2019), the Spanish Architecture Biennial BEAU (2018) or Arquia/Próxima (2018), deployed in spaces such as Matadero (Madrid), the Venice Architecture Biennale (2018, 2021), the Porto Design Biennale or Bureau Europa (Maastricht). He is an architect (ETSAC, 2016) and Master in Advanced Architectural Projects, specialising in Theory and Criticism (ETSAM, 2018). He has taught on the Master’s Degree in Artistic Professions at Escuela SUR (CBA-UC3M, 2020-22).