
Nun Tris Productions

8 February 2021 – 10 April 2021

Producciones Nun Tris, a professional company founded in Asturias in 1997, which produces, premieres and commercially distributes more than fifty theatrical shows of all styles for all audiences, from art comedy to street comedy, contemporary dance or children’s opera. Its founders are Inmaculada Rodríguez (actress, director with a degree in ESAD, anthropologist, Master in AAEE) and Antón Caamaño (actor, director with a degree in ESAD, Master in history and sociocultural analysis, Doctor in AAEE).

Project in residence

Alfonso y Estrella

In this residency we will try to lay the foundations for a show based on the opera Alfonso y Estrella by Franz Shubert. This production is designed to be performed with puppets, live music and in a reduced and adaptable format with audiovisual elements of contemporary theater, although it is based on aesthetic resources of Asturian Art. It would at least be a matter of getting the master plan of the show ready, so that all that remains is to rehearse and premiere, if it were not possible to do so within the residency period.

Selected project from the 1st Call for Artistic Residencies 2021
