Melania Fraga

Audiovisual producer and content manager

Melania Fraga studied at the Oviedo School of Arts and Crafts in the late nineties. She studied Higher Image Technology and journalism, combining these formal training with other courses in art, sculpture, theater, technology…

He worked and continues to work in communication and creation, both audiovisual and Web content: “The look of the wind”, “Asturias. The 20th century in images”, “AFA, the History of feminism in Asturias”, “Indigenous Wisdom”, “Couscús” and the documentary “Eu soi quen fun”, presented at the 47th and 50th Xixón International Film Festival, respectively . Are some examples.

He participated in collective exhibitions by the official body and in his own such as “Los santos also suck” (censored) or “A glance at the other shore.” In projects such as “Mapeando Asturies”, “Cabina”, “Véndete tu”, “La Boda Negra”, “La Caja Negra”… And with the AMAR Association and the children’s project Recreando we wrote a story: “How Narima Met Salek” that brings the life and dreams of a child who lives in the Sahrawi camps to his new friend from Gijón.

Currently, she combines the implementation of cultural and communication projects with the teaching of content on gender equality.