
Marta Medina Álvarez

Mov. Ámate Ur.0x

Until 23 October 2015

Marta Medina combines her professional life as a graphic-interface designer, multimedia technician, computer teacher, e-learning tutor, … with the creation of stage pieces using different languages such as audiovisuals, contemporary dance, video-dance, performance and gestural theatre, action theatre…

Nowadays she regularly attends and participates in the scenic activities of the region, being an active member of several associations and scenic platforms of the Principality of Asturias, member of the CAI (Collective of Independent Artists) as part of the organisation of the exhibitions carried out so far.

She works together with other performers in the creation of stage pieces, focusing on body research and the inclusion of audiovisual elements. Collaborating in various projects and proposals of other artists in the region, highlighting among the most recent: collaboration with the dancer Izar Gayo in the scenic creation of the piece “Luces y sombras de una reina a des-tiempo”, collaboration in the itinerant Festival of La Xata la Rifa during 2014, 2015, dancer-performer in the dance and theatre company Rabos de Lagartija 2012-2013.

After years of working and collaborating with different artists and dance companies, theatre and other disciplines, she responds to her vital concerns by bringing together different languages through dance, multimedia and audiovisuals in the company La Infiltrada (2014). La Infiltrada (2014).

She is currently enjoying an artistic residency at LABoral Centro de Arte, within the group RASPA (Red Asturiana de Performance y Acción) for the development of an interactive stage piece called Mov. Ámate Ur.0x.

The artist develops her project ‘Mov. Ámate Ur.0x ‘in an artist residency organized by the Collective of Independent Artists in the framework of RASPA Red Asturiana de Performance y Acción

The residence of Marta Álvarez Medina around of the Mov. Ámate Ur.0x project, is organized by the Collective of Independent Artists and part of RASPA Red Asturiana de Performance y Acción, an initiative through which LABoral wishes to involve the community of performance artists and managers in Asturias and make it the protagonist and ,thus, collaborate in the development and promotion of the theory and practice of performance.

The work of Marta Álvarez Medina aims to generate an encounter with the other groups and participating in RASPA to develop a public presentation through a live experience of the Mov. Ámate Ur.0x piece. Each of the participants, as interpreters, will explore possibilities and actions through the performantic language, that is, through the accidental, unexpected, situational and experiential, where the creative interact different scenic elements with performers (lights, projections, real-time video captures and recorded sounds, sound spaces, etc.), being in this case the external eye that guides the actions, thus creating a different dialogue where other languages ​​are used.

All meeting and creative process will be documented by recording a video in which the performative experience will be collected as a practical tool for the development of the project beyond the action.
