Mario García Rodríguez


The self-taught work of the Gijon-based painter Mario Rodriguez was made mainly between the years 1980 and 2018, consisting of more than one hundred paintings.

When he was 10 years old at the Primo de Rivera National School in Gijón, every Friday he painted the Gospel belonging to Sunday on the blackboard, as a consequence he was punished without recess, but for the artist it did not pose any problem because painting with those ” colored chalk” was a luxury.

In military service he had the goal of reaching the highest possible rank, but the company captain did not give him any option to take any course and had him draft the entire militia; Those drawings consisted of murals so that the recruits could learn the gradations and components of different weapons and as a consequence he did not go beyond a private soldier.

In 1995 he retired early and from that moment on he took painting as something he needed to do and at the same time with greater dedication.

There are people who are experts in painting who evaluate his work and say that it is creative and well-worked.