Mariele Neudecker

Multidisciplinary artist

(Germany, 1965). Lives and works in Bristol, UK

Mariele Neudecker uses a broad range of media including sculpture, video and installation and works around notions of the Contemporary Sublime. In 2010 Neudecker was short-listed for the Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square, London. In 2011 she showed in Otherworldly: Artist Dioramas and Small Spectacles, MAD Museum, New York, USA; and Rohkunstbau – Power, Marquart Castle, Berlin, Germany. Recent projects include a retrospective, Hinterland, inTrondheim Kunstmuseum, Norwa; Heterotopias and Other Domestic Landscapes, HOUSE Festival Brighton last May; ARCTIC, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark; a solo exhibition at Barbara Thumm Gallery in Berlin this spring; and her current participation in Antarctopia at the Venice Architecture Biennale.