

3 May 2021 – 31 July 2021

The collective Toc-Hadas was born in 2017, as a need to give more visibility to the specific problems of women in relation to mental health.

From the beginning, Toc-Hadas has focused on various forms of artistic expression as part of its existential claim, denied by the social uniformity that straitjackets us in the form of a socio-economic straitjacket. However, this perceived straitjacket has been transformed into a revulsive that manages to unfold our expressive and existential potentialities.

Project in residence

Páxaros na Tiesta

In a world oriented towards positivism, image and MO(ne)DA, it is essential to reflect on communication. Our way of relating to each other is changing by leaps and bounds. Not wanting/being unable/knowing how to be present, pending and current, generates social exclusion.

We depend on a technology that does not belong to us, so it is of interest to critically observe all this vertical maelstrom of screens and cameras that watch us and look at us. To what degree do they generate security, information and communication? To what degree do they provoke loneliness, despair, emptiness and dissatisfaction?

The result of this observation, with the participation of people who, like me, are interested in the subject, will be printed on paper: We will gather the essential, in our opinion, about how communication processes influence and affect us; about our vulnerability and capacity to access both ICTs and the anaesthetics (television, social networks, psychotropic drugs…) that are offered to us.

Our aim is not to lose ourselves in meaning, but rather to feel accompanied in sensation. To make the subjective important and poetry a valid and fundamental weapon to combat manipulation.

Project selected from the 1st Call for Artistic Residencies 2021
