
Kela Coto

29 March 2021 – 31 July 2021

Gijón, 1979

The Asturian artist Kela Coto after studying journalism at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid training develops around the audiovisual and photographic image through documentary filmmaking workshop by EICTV of Cuba and the master of photography “Nuevo Documentalismo” in Efti, Madrid.

In recent years she has received awards and scholarships such as Beca Cajastur, Scholarship artists residence in the Casa Velázquez in Madrid and the first prize for portfolio, Jornadas DeFoto 06.

This has led him to work with the photographic image and video about the new reality of the landscape, the representation thereof and the underlying idea of ​​”scenario”.

It is a photographic and audiovisual project whose objective is the creation of a fictitious visual corpus from documentary material. No Orbit approaches the subject of the steel industry from an artistic perspective, presenting industrial progress as the sun of a system on which we all orbit independently. The converter where the steel is manufactured is understood here as the sun of its own solar system, whose activity creates such a magnetic field that the activity of any body is directly or indirectly related to it.

Project in residence

No Orbit

Non-Orbit is a photographic and cinematographic exercise that questions the possibilities and limits of the medium, and above all our way of understanding the image and consuming it, where documentary is nothing more than a genre that, like science fiction, has its codes. . The idea with No Orbit is to take my theoretical interest in the documentary image to a further point, expanding its limits until confusing it with the fictional story, questioning the use we make of images; its relationship with reality and with the idea of ​​truth.

Selected project from the 1st Call for Artistic Residencies 2021
