Juanjo Palacios

Sound artist, composer and phonographist

Sound artist and phonograph recorder. Author of the blog La escucha atenta, dedicated to  phonography. He codirects LEA editions with Edu Comelles, online platform dedicated to field recording and soundscapism divulgation. He also collaborates with LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial.

In his most recent projects, he works on soundscapism and composition. mapaSONORU is a sound cartography of Asturias, recording around the territory and geolocalizing audio files in an intereactive map.

His works have been published by various labels:  Audiotalaia, exp_net, Alg-a, Tecnonucleo o Green Field Recordings. He has taught workshops and phonograph sound creation, designed sound environments, and performed live at various festivals and art spaces.
