José Manuel Berenguer

Director, teacher and coordinator

(Barcelona, 1955)

Director of Orquestra del Caos, Director of Festival Música13, organised by Nau Coclea, Camallera. Teacher and academic coordinator of the Sound Art Master Programme at Universitat de Barcelona, Sound Adviser for multimedia systems at GMMD-Universitat Oberta de Cataluña and teacher of Digital Sound at ESDI-Universitat Ramon Llull, he has also collaborated with other universities and art research institutions, such as Metrònom, MECAD, IUA-Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and Elisava. Intermedia Artist, founder of Côclea together with Clara Garí, and also of the Orquestra del Caos, collaborator of the Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges (Francia), he was the designer and first manager of the sound and music lab of the CIEJ of Fundació la Caixa de Pensions, as well as electroacoustic music teacher at the Conservatory of Bourges. Former President of the Electroacoustic Music Association of Spain, he is currently Honorary President of the International Conference of Electroacoustic Music at CIM/UNESCO, member of the Académie Internationale de Musique Electroacoustique/Bourges, and the Academy of the National Music Council at CIM/UNESCO, trustee of Fundación Phonos, and trustee of Fundació AAVC.