Javier de la Cruz

Product designer

(Gijón, 1986)

Javier de la Cruz is a product designer.

His creative and avant-garde nature brought him closer to the world of art. He completed his baccalaureate in the arts at the Universidad Laboral. There he met great artists and their causes. However, he observed a void in the discipline of art that made him rethink his future.

This is how he looked for a new path in search of the functionality that he felt was lacking in the art world. He graduated in Product Design at the Escuela Superior de Arte del Principado de Asturias. A whole new world of possibilities opened up before his eyes, a world in which he could mix those artistic concepts that dominated his life with a function, a purpose.

Subsequently, he took a master’s degree in Industrial Design Management where he learned about different philosophical currents that directly influenced his designs. His ability to adapt has made him embark on enormously different projects, from branding to the development of renewable energies.

Finally, his passion for the sea, nature and his obsession with making designs accessible to everyone led him to the world of research and development, specialising in the marine world.