James Bridle

Artist, writer and publisher

(UK, 1980). Lives and works in London, UK.

Artist, writer and publisher, his writing on literature, culture and networks has appeared in magazines and newspapers including WiredDomusCabinetthe Atlanticthe New Statesmanthe Observer and many others, in print and online. His artworks and installations have been commissioned and exhibited worldwide and on the Internet. He lectures regularly at universities, conferences and other events. His formulation of the New Aesthetic research project has spurred debate and creative work across multiple disciplines.
Bridle has been technologist in residence at Lighthouse Gallery and an Adjunct Professor on the Interactive Telecommunications Programme at New York University. In 2014, he is resident at the White Building, in London, and Eyebeam, in New York, and nominated in the Designs of the Year exhibition at the Design Museum. His work can be found at http://booktwo.org