Jacobo Bugarín


(Santiago de Compostela, 1983)

Jacobo Bugarín develops his work focused on the perception and the relationship between space-object and individual-society. Among the exhibitions in which he participates there should be highlighted the facilities created for the Sala Amadís in Madrid, Baleiro in Santiago de Compostela, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural Fenosa of A Coruña, the la Igrexa da Universidade de Santiago, the Auditorio de Galicia y el Pazo de Cultura de Pontevedra: or group exhibitions at the cGac Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo de Santiago, Interview room in Edinburgh, Es Baluard in Palma de Mallorca, MARCO of Vigo, the Ciudad de la Cultura de Santiago or the Museo Kloster Asbach de Passau in Germany among others.

He has been awarded scholarships or prizes as the ones awarded by the Diputación de A Coruña, the Xunta de Galicia, the INJUVE, Sant Andreu Contemporani or the Auditorio de Galicia.

