Isabel Martín Ruiz

Architect and artist

Architect and artist (Punta del Moral, Huelva, 1986).

From 2017 to 2021 she co-founded and worked in the cooperative Cotidiana, which was concerned with the construction of sensitive environments from the south and in a female perspective. Within the cooperative, she manages, conceives, produces and generates projects and processes in the line of work “Sensitive urban strategies, architecture and urbanism with a gender perspective”.

She has collaborated in processes of architecture with a social perspective in the Arquitecturas Colectivas ecosystem, especially in working with women and their experiences of everyday life, incorporating the gender perspective into urban planning and architectural practice. In this line of work, the following projects and awards stand out: “Bioclimatiza tu cole” Social Germinator Award (Som energía and Coop57) and Som Energía School Award; “Ciudad sensible: evaluación de caso piloto diagnóstico urbano con perspectiva de género patio y entorno colegio Santa Marina” Fundación María Fulmen, Seville; “Mis climas cotidianos. didactic actions for an architecture that cares for the climate and people,” selected for the Spanish pavilion of the XVII Venice Architecture Biennale, and the project Red Planea Arte y Escuela (Carasso Foundation) as part of collaborating groups and the project “Convivial neighbourhoods for the climate and social crisis”. She has just participated in the 1st Congress on co-responsible territories, public space and equality promoted by the Observatory of Urban Planning with a Gender Perspective in Asturias (OUG).

In 2018 his first collection of poems “90.3 de vaciante” (Crecida) was published and in November 2021 the second “Una cosa es una cosa y otra cosa es otra cosa” (A Fortiori). Since 2020 his poem Lo normal has been part of the Carol Iglesias Espazioa of the Itsas Museum in Bilbao. In 2021 he wrote the pedagogical guide “Cómo hacer letrillas” for La aventura de aprender (Ministry of Education), which seeks to encourage the implementation of collaborative projects that connect classroom activity with what happens outside the school premises.

He has participated in many poetry festivals, including Surada Poética in Santander, Vociferio in Valencia, Gutun Zuria in Bilbao, Días de libro in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Cosmopoética in Córdoba and Urugallo in León. His video poem “Moraícas” (with editing and image by Julio Albarrán) won the video poem competition of the POEX 2022 festival in Gijón. His poetic proposal has been echoed by media such as El País, La Marea or the magazine of visual arts and contemporary culture Makma.

She combines her career as an architect with poetic research, reflecting on languages to tell about the urban and the territory that lead to other imaginaries, where the emotional and the body have a space. She has written, recited and sung about this at the UrbanBatFest11 Bilbao “Hacia una arquitectura de los cuidados” and at the meeting “Urbanismo en Tiempos de Covid” of the Government of Navarra.

The author defines letrillas as her particular way of naming her poetic texts, intentionally referencing the way of calling flamenco songs colloquially and also as a way of naming a text that deals with the everyday, the personal and the sphere of life traditionally attributed to the role of women in society. Giving value and voice to naming things from places that are not considered to generate discourse or knowledge. It has an intention regarding the subjects it deals with insofar as it intends to refer to a part of reality that is made invisible because it is considered less important.

The cantes de lavar los platos are those rescued from the Andalusian women of whom she is made and incorporated into the poems because they are a natural part of her way of sustaining an idea and as a political gesture of making visible other ways of being in the world and of claiming that there is also valid and valuable knowledge in the margins. The songs about washing the dishes try to give value to this everyday joy and tenderness, which are so revolutionary in a system that is so violent, misogynist, racist, classist…