Intact Project


Interface for Telesharing Action

Our working domain is the Internet network, through which all the creative proposals related with long distance come together. However, our activities do not only feed from the internet but also, from the different spaces associated to the actions promoted by INTACT. Among these are museums, universities, foundations and art galleries.

Our main collaborators are in Barcelona, Asturias, Toledo y Paris. Furthermore, artists from other cities around the world have worked with us giving their particular vision of understanding the action, they come from Lund, Valencia and Uruguay.

Sara Malinarich (multimedia artist). Director of INTACT Project.
Manuel Terán (visual artist). Art & Technology Director of INTACT.
María Domínguez Alba (Artista escénico plástica). Director of Moralba. Coordinator of INTACT.
Alexandre Berthier (Director of Studio PetaHertz and founder Marswalkers). Coordinator in Paris for INTACT