
Izar Gayo

29 August 2016 – 18 September 2016

Izar Gayo was fascinated by colors and movement since she was a child. For sixteen years she combined her painting classes with sports and her participation in the folkloric group Los Collacios. Since she was a child she was curious to understand the human mind and emotions. And it was in her adolescence when she decided that art would be the instrument to respond to that need. She did a bachelor’s degree in Art applied to design and later decided to study theater at the ESAD in Asturias. Dance training has always been parallel with national and international professionals such as Ana Serna, Ana Fernandez, Fernando Hurtado, Koen de Preter, Daniel Abreu, Pepe Hevia, Matej Matejka among others. His activity is mainly developed in Asturias, Madrid and the Basque Country, performing in 2013 a theatrical tour for teaching purposes in the UK. For two years he was part of the team responsible for organizing in Asturias the so-called Muestras de Artistas Independientes through the CAI and after twenty years collaborating and working with artists and companies of textual, physical, action, musical and dance theater is currently when he develops his project, which he combines with teaching and collaboration in different professional Asturian stage companies.

Project in residence

Incitaciones II

By focusing attention on the body and entering the different artistic fields, the performative activity has become a tool -almost always marginal- to question the scope and functions of the concepts of art that are handled in a normative way. It thus reveals the paradoxical social and economic relations or structures in which these concepts are inscribed, how and where they are generated, what purposes they serve, etc.
