Herman Kolgen “Inject”

Multidisciplinary artist


A human body submerged in a tank. In the course of 45 minutes, fluid pressure is exerting multiple neurosensory transformations on the body. His epidermis and his nervous system react to the influence of viscosity in this liquid chamber to lose all sense of reality. Inject is a visual spectacle in high definition awarded in Ars Electrónica 2010 that deals a body matter, describing visually its different psychological states.

Prestigious and full of international recognition gained for 20 years, Herman Kolgen is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Montreal. An audiocinetic sculptor who develops his own material from the close relationship between sound and image. His creations take the form of installations, video, performances or audio sculptures. In continuous experimentation, Herman Kolgen works in the borderline where all the media are, developing a new technique and aesthetic language.
