Helena Torres


With a degree in Political Science and a Master’s degree and research proficiency in Sociology, Helena Torres has developed identity studies from the perspective of critical social theory using, among others, the methodology of narrative productions (interviews that become stories). She has published essays on queer theory and a novel, Autopsia de una langosta (Melusina, 2009), a hybrid between essay and fiction. Since 2009 she has been running workshops on the re-signification of language, with which she began to investigate the potential of sound in public space.

In July 2011 she started Conversaciones improbables at Medialab Prado, a project of sound interpellations to passers-by in the public space, recording their responses and sound mapping. He has coordinated and designed projects to re-signify public space using visual culture, music, sport, new technologies and film. His latest work is Aproximació a la situació de l’homofòbia, la lesbofòbia i la transfòbia a Catalunya, published by the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2010.

