Gretta Louw


South Africa

She received her BA in 2001 from the University of Western Australia and Honours in Psychology in 2002, subsequently living in Japan and New Zealand before moving to Germany in 2007. Over the last decade she has received a number of grants from German and Australian funding bodies, been awarded prizes including the Heinrich-Vetter-Preis and the Bahnwärter Stipendium, and participated in residencies in Australia, Israel, and the US.

Her work has been exhibited widely – in New York, Berlin, Jakarta, and Tel Aviv, amongst others – including in a number of public institutions such as the Kunstmuseum Solothurn, Stadtgalerie Mannheim, and Kunstverein Ludwigshafen. Alongside her solo artistic practice, Louw has a long-standing collaboration with the Warnayaka Aboriginal Art Centre in central Australia and is also a curator and writer.

In 2012 she released her first book, Controlling_Connectivity: Art, Psychology, and the Internet, followed in 2013 by Warnayaka Art Centre: Art in the Digital Desert, and in 2014 her first catalogue Works 2011-2014 / Arbeiten 2011-2014. She lives and works in Germany and Australia.