

1 September 2021 – 30 October 2021

For this project, Gateshead starts from the detail to the general. We unlearn to get to what we have lost, the primary. How sound is composed and its action in the environment as something physical, capable of modifying it, through the perception of the listener. Or what is the same, the poetic possibility of creating a world for a time, through sensations. For this, we will collect field samples, which we will then decompose in all their spectrum to recompose again, giving relevance to patterns that in a natural environment may go unnoticed, losing with them a great amount of communicative information.

As a reference for this development, we have started from the study of the autistic mind, given its singularity for detail and sensory perception. Therefore, in addition to recording the environment, we will record the echoalias and sounds emitted by a non-verbal ASD child, looking for a recognizable pattern and thus the communicative intentionality.

Everything that exists vibrates, thus generating a sound, which may not be in the audible range for a neurotypical mind but is perceived by a neurodiverse brain where sensory reception is hyperdeveloped. Such perception is influential in the behavior of the neurodiverse person, being able to change their mood, rhythm of thought and even feel physical pain. Therefore, we will work with those sounds that have been left out for us, giving them relevance and seeking a connection between those arising from the environment and those arising from the non-verbal expression of a person with ASD, who is probably intoning frequencies that we are not able to hear, thus relating to the environment in a way unknown to us.

Projects selected in the II Call for Artistic Residencies 2021

Project in residence

