
Gas Light

1 September 2022 – 29 October 2022

Luz de Gas Teatro is a professional theater company formed by Mayra Fernández in 2020 after a professional and business career in the field of Performing Arts for more than 20 years. Luz de Gas Teatro was born with the intention of staging texts of its own creation aimed at both adult and children and youth audiences. One of the main objectives of the project is to combine culture and education. The company seeks social involvement and work related to women’s issues in the creation of its shows. So far it has put on the following shows:

Voices, nominated for the ¡OH! awards in the categories of best authorship and best lighting.

Let’s call it X

As noble queen as you are

Project in residence

A project by Luz de Gas Teatro

Luna is a little girl who was born with a severe hearing deficit, but that doesn’t stop her from achieving her dream: to dance. Can a deaf girl dance? Of course she can! With the help of sounds, silences, sign language, and many boxes that will make up the different spaces of this story, we will prove that in the absence of some senses, others can be developed. This creative process will involve actresses and visual artists such as Tamara Norniella, as well as sound designers and musicians such as Nacho Ortega and Álvaro Celemín. Luna is a family theatre and inclusion proposal, a show suitable for deaf, hearing and signers.

Project selected in the II Call for Artistic Residencies 2022
