Fred Penelle


Brussels, 1973

“In just under ten years, Frédéric Penelle, winner of the Art contest prize at the end of 2007, has given engraving a sudden burst of energy through his novel use of it in a way that is fundamentally original, malicious and as funny as it is serious.The installation of each exhibition places on a wall a swarm of characters and objects which mix, either play- fully or seriously, times, epochs, drawing, paining, black, colour, old images and whatever else besides, to tell, not one, but a thousand tangled tales in which each will recognise his own according to his imagination, what he has lived through, his dreams or concerns.In a heterogeneous set astonishingly coherent in its linear weirdness like a frieze, starting from a personal mythology that brings together images known to all it holds up a portrait of the world that is surprising yet familiar at the same time. And this arrangement that is playful, amusing, inventive, sometimes threatening and also tragic in its device, constantly gives the impression that it might set itself in motion as if it was a vast comedy put on by actors who bear a strange resemblance to us. Might it be possible that we are taking part unawares? Very inspired and convincing.” (C.L.)

(La Libre Belgique 16/01/08)