
Fernando Oyágüez

15 March 2018 – 30 September 2018

Musician and sound recordist with a fundamentally self-taught training applied to instruments such as the viola, banjo or piano, percussion, electronics and voice. He flirts with experimentation and practices improvisation and performance in the performing arts with Nilo Gallego, Elena Córdoba and La Xata la Rifa. In mid-2018 his first soundtrack for the documentary La huerta de la esquina will be released.

Project in residence

Reunión is the next chapter of Salva la música, deshazte de los músicos (Save the music, and get rid of the musicians). This time he will promote an encounter between robots around a prepared piano. During his residence the artist will develop with live coding the premise under which this new band has to take care of everything by themselves to finally manage without its human host.

Reunión is one of the selected projects in the Call for Artistic Residences 2018
