Felipe Castelblanco

Multidisciplinary artist

(Bogotá, 1985)

Felipe Castelblanco is multidisciplinary artist, working at the intersection of socially engaged, film and Media Art. His work explores institutional forms, creates platforms for inter-epistemic dialogue and ventures out into new frontiers of publicness in unlikely spaces.

Felipe has exhibited at museums and galleries across Europe,North and South America, including ZKM in Karlsruhe, the Royal Academy in London, Helmhaus in Zürich,and the San Diego Museum in California. Felipe has been the recipient of several international awards, including the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Residency (USA, 2019), Starr Fellowship at the Royal Academy Schools in London (UK, 2015) and in 2014 he served as a Cultural Emissary for the USA State Department to the Philippines. Felipe holds an M.F.A from Carnegie Mellon University (USA) and completed a practice-based PhD (2021) from the Academy Art and Design Basel FHNW and the University of Arts Linz.

Over the years, Felipe has developed durational and participatory projects in a wide range of contexts internationally. He has collaborated with participants from 10 countries to turn the world upside-down (Norte Es Sur, 2011 – 2016); sailed around the world in the smallest makeshift boat (Driftless, 2012-2019); initiated a Media Collective with Indigenous land-protectors in the Colombian Andean-Amazon region (Ñambi Rimia Media Collective, 2018 – Present); and assembled a team of Latino day workers to paint houses—on canvas—in the streets of Philadelphia (We Paint Houses, 2013).
