
Enrique Radigales

23 February 2014 – 15 March 2014

Enrique Radigales majored in Painting at the Massana School in Barcelona before going on to study Interactive Systems at UPC, Barcelona. He has had residencies at Casa de Velázquez in Madrid, at Museu da Imagem e do Son in Sao Paulo and at Eyebeam, New York.
One of the seminal references in Radigales’ practice is landscape outside of any geographical framework. He leverages new computer technologies to dislocate the observing subject with regards nature, producing as a result a reconnaissance of an uncertain (real or virtual) topography. This new romanticism coexists with a melancholia grounded in the obsolescence of tools and systems of storage that encourages the artist to engage with their material quality and to investigate the archaeology of traditional supports without overlooking the digital tools and language of technological man.

Project in residence

Tótem Evanescente

How many tons of natural resources are needed to design the latest Android update? In Evanescent Totem the artist Enrique Radigales explores the hypothesis of the immaterial in the production of a Net.art work. Through the Totem understood as the principle or origin of a certain group or hive of users and using the practice of painting and the resources of LABoral’s fabLAB, the artist explores in Tótem Vanescente the economic relationships between physical and virtual production. Radigales will enjoy a production residency at LABoral and the results of his work will be displayed in the Datascape exhibition, which opens on March 14.

“The immaterial never existed and never will exist. There is nothing that does not suppose a state of matter.”

Bernard Stiegler

Video: Evanescent Totem[+]

Information on the artist’s website[+]
